We met the mayor of Whiterock! As we ate breakfast on the beach (the notorious bananna/peanut butter bagel mix), she came up to us. At first she wanted us to get rid of the bikes, as they're not allowed on the promenade, but once we had explained our tour (which was kind of hard, as peanut butter doesn't wash down easily...), we were forgiven. It was a quick ride to the Peace Arch, but we had to wait up for Angie, Taryn and the van (their bikes broke!). A game of Ultimate Frisbee began, which I quickly left from, as I needed some energy to get me down to Bellingham.
The border crossing was interesting. It was the first day of the new rule: from now on, you must have your passport with you. As a biker gang, we had to go through the pedistrian crossing. Inside, many non-white people were waiting get through. I spoke with one man, who told me he was just born in Israel and was told to sit and wait. It was quite upsetting, as it took all of 5 minutes to let all 16 of us through. The border guard asked me what my occupation was, and when I answered with a "I'm a student," he asked me what I taught.. HMM.
The trek south to Bellingham was hot and dusty, and Ben, Sahrs, Ang and I had an interesting day... yelling at llamas and cows is so much more fun than you would think. We stayed at the HUB in Bellingham, a similar set up to Recyclistas in Victoria. Kyle, the owner, was super cool, and we had a BBQ and some interesting music going on. There was an old man wailin on Bugsy's guitar for hours... pretty entertaining. Had some fun showertime in the YMCA, and yes, of course.. we sang the song.
Some things I can't do anymore
10 years ago